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We believe in balance, taking care of ourselves and each other which is why we try our best to be flexible in how we work and offer support.  


"I love the school's commitment to it's core values and that if any initiative/direction comes along it has to fit in. (Not blown by every wind of doctrine).  I love that meetings are short and purposeful.  I love we are given time and space to work through ideas and initiatives."

- Max Brown,  Learning Advisor

We're looking for people who share our values of relationships, innovation, authenticity, personalisation and collaboration.

What we offer?

For us having an inclusive, fun, supportive and family-orientated culture is really important. We know that teaching is an act of head and heart with teachers inherently wanting to do their best for students and each other.  We vary our professional development opportunities and like to reimagine possibilities to allow our team to have lots of different pathways to engage in really exciting coaching and learning.  Our clear future-focussed vision and values-based approaches enables us to have individual autonomy but provides us with a clear framework in which we work together to better our own performance and collectively have a powerful impact on student learning.

A few of the benefits of working at HPP

  • Quality & personalised professional development

  • A people orientated culture of care, inclusion and support

  • Strong coaching, mentoring and induction support systems

  • Access to our progressive schooling network 

  • Multiple leadership opportunities within an innovative environment

  • Overseas professional development school tours

Staff Voice

"When I started teaching this year I was surprised to find that managing a positive work-life balance can be extremely difficult at times- there is always something else you want to do! As health and well-being is engrained in who I am, a big concern for me was, am I going to have to sacrifice my training in order to be the best teacher I can be? The answer was, and still is, no. Part of what makes me love the culture of our school is the respect and understanding colleagues, team leaders and the senior management have for the important aspects of our personal life- whether that is making your daily CrossFit session or celebrating a religious day such as Eid. It is through this respect and understanding that I feel valued as a staff member at Hobsonville Point Primary School."

- Kothar Esau, Learning Advisor

"I believe in the potential of each child; I want our students to know who they are, and how they connect with others and the world around them. Education has to be relevant to them now and to provide them with the dispositions, skills and knowledge that gives them the opportunity to live a successful life. I believe that we have to personalise learning to our students and by knowing them and their families, we as teachers can be better equipped to achieve this. I’m passionate about education, and that is why I chose to become a teacher at HPPS, the vision, values and belief in a competency-based curriculum are without a doubt essential for me to be the teacher I want to be."  

- Margo Thorpe, Learning Advisor 

"Since my first year of teaching, Hobsonville Point Primary has always been a school that I have dreamt of working at. Now that my dream has become a reality I get to be surrounded by an encouraging, supportive and collaborative working environment where for the first time the school values are at the heart of everything that we do. I love that I am provided with endless opportunities and am constantly challenged to ‘dig deeper’. I love the supportive community spirit and the fact that not only children are excited to learn but teachers are excited to teach and are given the freedom to try new things. I love that “I wake up every day knowing I can grow, influence a life, love a child and love what I do”.

-  Ashleigh Bloor, Learning Advisor

Get in touch with Daniel to have a chat about current opportunties.

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